Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We offer telehealth visits throughout South Carolina and in-home pediatric visits in the 29150 zip code. At this time, we are only doing sick visits and sports physicals.
You can make an appointment by texting (803) 607-4464.
We take Health Care Savings Plans and issue a receipt at the time of service to submit back to your insurance for reimbursement.
Choose a virtual visit instead of an in person visit if you have questions for example:
Obviously, not all illnesses can be treated through a virtual visit but so many questions can be answered by just speaking with a medical professional and not going to wait in a sick waiting room for answers. In some instances, it may be appropriate to diagnose and prescribe medications based on a virtual visit for your child. In those instances, we can easily send an electronic prescription to a pharmacy of your choice. Some conditions, however, require an in-person visit to make an accurate diagnosis, but our medical professionals can help you determine that and even arrange for an in-person visit.
**Virtual visits are available throughout South Carolina while in-home visits are limited to the 29150 zip code at this time.
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